domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Home is Where the Heart Is: Save water at home

- Before you have a shower, put a bucket under the tap until the water turns hot. Then, you can use it, for example, to mop or water plants.

- Replace your normal bulbs with efficient bulbs, because efficient bulbs use less energy than traditional and they last 8 to 10 times longer.

- Make sure that, when you leave home or when you go to bed, the fridge's room is closed correctly.

- Turn off lights when we leave a room.

- Turn off the electronic devices if we aren't using them.

- Water the plants at night.

5 comentarios:

  1. Este ingles se entiendo por todo el mundo

  2. me parece muy util , con un ingles facìl de entender y me ha aportado mucha informacion nueva

  3. They are very easy measures that all citizens can apply at home. The bad thing is that we never do this. Begin it now!

  4. Yeah!, easy english for easy measures I liked your article Patri; a little gesture can change more that we think

  5. Medidas fáciles que no nos cuesta ningún esfuerzo realizarlas. Son cosas que si hacemos diariamente, darán un gran resultado.
