miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Malaga C.F against climate change

The departament of Environment and the Malaga Football Club have signed an agreement to promote urban sustainability against climate change, reducing the environmental impact of sport and business in general. Through this agreement, signed by the director of the Department, Jose Juan Diaz Trillo, and the club's general manager, Fernando Hierro, the "Junta" will advise the Malaga to minimize the environmental impact of its installations´ activities, contributing to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases and promoting the development of a more sustainable city.

The club is going to do an audit of emissions of greenhouse gases generated by their activity in the coming months . After obtaining the results, with the collaboration of the Ministry, it will design a a plan to reduce emissions and offset them through the Andalusian Emission Offset (SACE) of greenhouse gases. Malaga will work also developing a mobility strategy that promotes the use of public transport instead of the private car, such as bicycles.The waste collection in sports installations, implementation of measures to reduce noise pollution, are other activities that develop the club.
The objective of the Junta is to sign similar agreements with major sporting organizations in the region. Source: http://www.diariosur.es/videos/malaga/actualidad/1437055992001-malaga-junta-lucha-contra-cambio-climatico.html
I like that my football team is against climate change, because football is one of the best ways to arrive people, and change or try to concern them about this serious problem.
but it's a little step in the long way that we have to walk. I hope that in a certain future all football teams are fighting against climate change.

9 comentarios:

  1. Me parece bien lo que hace el malaga club de futbol pero me extraña que hasta un club de futbol se fije en eso por tanto nosotros nos deberiamos fijar mas

  2. No solo un equipo local como lo es el Málaga debería hacer estas cosas (que me parece muy bien y lo más correcto) sino TODOS los equipos deberían apoyar el ayudar el cambio climático.

  3. Estoy de acuerdo con Paula, todos los clubes (de cualquier deporte) deberían tomar ejemplo del Malaga CF #arribaelmalaga

  4. El fútbol mueve masas y millones por lo que si todos los equipos hicieran cosas como esta y anuncios como el de apagar la luz de la selección española ayudarían a combatir el cambio climático.

  5. It's good that celebrities take part in topics like climate change, because they can move million of people.

  6. A ver si con su colaboración podemos llamar más la atencion de la gente

  7. It is a perfect idea of sports union to reduce climate change. It is a good idea and I think all the teams in all major leagues do these actions on climate change because football is one of the things that moves the world.

  8. It seems to me that football is the perfect route to concern people. I agree with pepe, in Spain football is more important that other topic, and they would have to concentrate more in this problem

  9. Que un equipo de fútbol preste atención a estos temas es una gran manera de promoverlo, ya que el fútbol es algo que posee miles de seguidores. Espero que se apunten más grandes club para que así pueda llegar a más gente
