miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Reducing the annual emission of 1000 million tonnes of carbon

For the year 2057

and conservation: 

Improve the performance of the vehicle fleet from 12 km / L to 25km / L fuel.
Reduce the distance traveled per car per year: from 16,000 km to 8,000 km.
Improve the efficiency of air conditioners, heating and appliances 25%.

Generation of energy:
Imporve the efficiency of carbon power plants from 40% to 60%.

Replace 1400 energy production plants based on carbon thermal by plants based on natural gas,is less contaminating.
CO2 Capture: 
Install CO2 capture systems in 800 carbon-fired power.
Use of CO2 capture systems in energy-producing plants (from hydrogen) can supply 1500 million cars.
Install CO2 capture systems in synthetic fuel installations derived of carbon that produced 30 million barrels of oil a day.
Alternative energy sources:
Triple the production based on nuclear energy replacing carbon plants.
increase the production of wind energy by a factor 40 displacing carbon power plants.
increase solar energy production 700 times.
increase 80 times the production capacity of wind power to supply hydrogen to vehicles.
Using 2000 million vehicles that consume ethanol. This will need to spend a sixth of the area of the earth to generate energy crops.

Agriculture and forestry:
Stopping deforestation in all regions of the planet.
Extend conservation agriculture all cultivable land on the planet (not to release more CO2).

4 comentarios:

  1. Si todos contribuyeramos a realizar todas estas medidas..para el 2057 todo se habria solucionado..pero habria que poner cada uno de su parte tanto individualmente como nosotros tanto colectivamente refiriendome a gobiernos..

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I think when it comes to improving the world in our favor is easy to say thousands and thousands of measurements but is difficult to get serious and work to realize them. Here are somes individual and collective measures, easy or hard to digest but to improve the world we have to do anything. If we make all these measures the world in 2057 would have changed. Think of your children can live in a good world or a destroyed world.
    The information of this news is taken from a paper about climate change that gave us the CMC teacher in a class.
