The most part of energy at home is came from electrical appliance but we can save choosing the kind A+++ . From A to G on the label, A being the most energy efficient, G the
least efficient. There are 3 levels in A : A+, A++ and A+++
I think this is a very useful and comfortable way to save energy and also is very economic. In my opinion the government have to make people aware to change the bulbs.

"The most part of energy at home is came from electrical appliance...". Check this sentence with your English teacher, please.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion is important to diffuse that A+++ appliances are most efficient, the picture on the right side would be very usefull if we use it to spread to other people
ResponderEliminarI totally agree that we should replace our electric appliances with A (A+, A++, etc.) because they are all advantages. You save money and you help the environment because they emit less amount of harmful gases. All electronic appliances in my house are clasified as A.
ResponderEliminarI agree with this text, we must change the electronic with the letter A.
ResponderEliminari think the shops shouldn´t sell products without this calification but also the people of course they don´t have to buy them and if they have it, kill and recycle it and buy a new one with this calification
ResponderEliminarI think the stores should only sell appliances type A. Other appliances take more energy and pollute more than A appliances.
ResponderEliminarEs una forma muy buena de invertir en algo bueno para el medio ambiente además de que mejorara nuestra economía.
ResponderEliminarThis article we should take this into account when switching appliance.It is useful to save money but also to care the environment.