lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Raising Awareness: How can we capture people's attention?

Has anyone ever wondered if there are other ways of knowing what to do against climate change or global warming instead of reading newspapers, watching movies, etc?
There are more methods that make learning about these issues more enjoyable and funny!
How about to make a song like our colleagues do or an animation video? It's an easy way.

Many childrens and not all childrens complain of that we're always repeating the same things, the same topics and we don't get tired of it. Why? Because you never assist us! You don't like the way we explain you this? No problem, we can change it.

With this animation video! Or...

With this helpful and happy song! Enjoy it!

4 comentarios:

  1. Amazing article Paula. I think the best idea to make children be aware about the climate change is through animation videos or songs. They can also help in this fight with little things and it's better if they are educate since children.

  2. I agree with patricia the video like this it is very entertaining and call attention of children , and I think we need their help

  3. Children learns songs easily.So if we instead of try to teach them what is climate change with boring classes or videos,we show them songs like this, they will understand better what is climate change.

  4. i agree with you girls! i think that we must to make aware of climate change to children and the best way to do that is showing them videos with animations, songs or things like these
