domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Six Things Everyone Should Be Doing

person should do only 6 things and this would be perfect:
Change the bulbs:
Replace traditional light bulb for a
low power although it is more in your life you can save 60 euros in
2. Turn off TV and PC:
When you don’t watch the TV you must
turn on it, you don’t stand-by because it consumes about 40%.
Don’t leave your phone charger
plugged, because it still consumes electricity.

3.Drive less :
We should go more by bike or by public
transport because we send a lot of C02 at the atmosphere.

4. Recycle:
Recycling waste produced half of our
house save each year more than 800kg of CO2.

5.Menos hot water:
We need a lot of energy to heat
You spend four times more energy if
you have a bath if not a shower.
Turn on the tap while brushing your

6. Plant a tree:
If you plant only one tree, it will
absorb one ton of CO2 during your live.

5 comentarios:

  1. Actually I would add another measure very important as well, to concern the people and say to them all the beneficts we'll get if we help the enviroment

  2. those are good measures but i think the most of the people know them.

  3. These measures are good but also very simple as it is typical that usually ask people to put into practice. To help the climate change we should do big things.

  4. Pedro, I like your Spanenglish (*5.Menos hot water: )but try not use it in the blog; respect to the measures they are OK, but as I said before we have to follow them or to look for something that could concern strongly people who is only worried

  5. Aveces las medidas sencillas no se toman en cuenta y la gente pasa de hacerlas porque son tan obias que no las prestan intencion, pero creo que aunque sean medidas sencillas es bueno recordarlas por si acaso hay algun descuidado que no las cumple.
