miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

You Can Start Now: Little things that make BIG changes

 - turn off the lights when you're not in the room, or use them less
 - shower instead of taking a bath, shower for less time, and shower together!
 - unplug appliances when you're not using them
 - ride a bike!
 - use public transportation
 - walk somewhere!
 - change your lightbulbs for fluorescent ones
 - if you want to keep your car, use it less or use it responsibly
 - trade in your car for a smart car, or an electric
 - eat less meat (this seems pretty drastic to me, but some people swear it'll work)
 - recycle things! be it plastic, glass, cardboard or paper
 - plant a tree; you can plant one yourself, with your friends or donate money for someone to plant it for you
 - buy organic products, or ones from a farmer's market
 - stop using (or use less) aerosols and sprays
 - try to throw away less things, reuse them or set up a garage sale!
 - go camping instead of staying in a hotel
 - go do something outside!
 - start your own garden
 - finally, share this list with others and educate them about climate change

13 comentarios:

  1. These measures I think are very interest to help our planet.
    if everybody apply them we could reduce climate change

  2. All of these measures are simple, easy, and the most important, ANYONE can do them. We don't lose anything for doing things like these.

  3. I'm agree with you Patri they are very easy to practise and you don't have to make a big effort doing the following activities

  4. I think these measures are very good and if everyone would contribute to perform them climate change would not exist! This measures are very completes.

  5. It's very easy to say that, but it's more difficult to do. I think the goverment would have to be persistent to the population to follow this measures. If million of people follow their, we will get positive results.

  6. this measures are the most simply things you can do against climate change and i think the most of people who knows this problem do it.

  7. These measures are very important and easy but my question is... why is so difficult to apply these rules to our everyday lives?

  8. i think these measures are easy and everybody can apply, if everybody do that maybe the situation will be better so i think we have to collaborate on it.

  9. It very important that everybody make the simple things to reduce global warming and help this planet for change this situation but the people don't do anything to change it.

  10. Good job Kiernan! I like this tipes of articles because they are written by someone that I know and this gives personality to the eassy, and respect to the article, we all know the necessary measures, but now the problem is why don´t we follow them?!

  11. we should tell this activities as many people as we can because they are easy to follow but really useful if a lot of people practise them.

  12. Kiernan the next time, if you could write with larger letters because it's difficult to read the measures but, i did expanding the page, and they were nice. But please, change the letters =)

  13. This activities are very importat for all the people beacuse together we can help the world and this activities are very easy to make!!!
